* Sends an HTTP header.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string $key Header key.
* @param string $value Header value.
public function send_header( $key, $value ) {
* Sanitize as per RFC2616 (Section 4.2):
* Any LWS that occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a
* single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the
* message downstream.
$value = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $value );
header( sprintf( '%s: %s', $key, $value ) );
* Sends multiple HTTP headers.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param array $headers Map of header name to header value.
public function send_headers( $headers ) {
foreach ( $headers as $key => $value ) {
$this->send_header( $key, $value );
* Removes an HTTP header from the current response.
* @since 4.8.0
"Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/storm/sites/rcyjz-nimsite-uk/public/wp-includes/functions.php:6114)"
* Sends an HTTP header.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string $key Header key.
* @param string $value Header value.
public function send_header( $key, $value ) {
* Sanitize as per RFC2616 (Section 4.2):
* Any LWS that occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a
* single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the
* message downstream.
$value = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $value );
header( sprintf( '%s: %s', $key, $value ) );
* Sends multiple HTTP headers.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param array $headers Map of header name to header value.
public function send_headers( $headers ) {
foreach ( $headers as $key => $value ) {
$this->send_header( $key, $value );
* Removes an HTTP header from the current response.
* @since 4.8.0
$current_user = null;
* Filters whether JSONP is enabled for the REST API.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param bool $jsonp_enabled Whether JSONP is enabled. Default true.
$jsonp_enabled = apply_filters( 'rest_jsonp_enabled', true );
$jsonp_callback = false;
if ( isset( $_GET['_jsonp'] ) ) {
$jsonp_callback = $_GET['_jsonp'];
$content_type = ( $jsonp_callback && $jsonp_enabled ) ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/json';
$this->send_header( 'Content-Type', $content_type . '; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
$this->send_header( 'X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex' );
$api_root = get_rest_url();
if ( ! empty( $api_root ) ) {
$this->send_header( 'Link', '<' . sanitize_url( $api_root ) . '>; rel="https://api.w.org/"' );
* Mitigate possible JSONP Flash attacks.
* https://miki.it/blog/2014/7/8/abusing-jsonp-with-rosetta-flash/
$this->send_header( 'X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff' );
* Filters whether the REST API is enabled.
* @since 4.4.0
* @deprecated 4.7.0 Use the {@see 'rest_authentication_errors'} filter to
* restrict access to the REST API.
* Whether this is a REST Request.
* @since 4.4.0
* @var bool
define( 'REST_REQUEST', true );
// Initialize the server.
$server = rest_get_server();
// Fire off the request.
$route = untrailingslashit( $GLOBALS['wp']->query_vars['rest_route'] );
if ( empty( $route ) ) {
$route = '/';
$server->serve_request( $route );
// We're done.
* Retrieves the URL prefix for any API resource.
* @since 4.4.0
* @return string Prefix.
function rest_get_url_prefix() {
* Filters the REST URL prefix.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string $prefix URL prefix. Default 'wp-json'.
$this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] = $this->priorities;
$num_args = count( $args );
do {
$this->current_priority[ $nesting_level ] = current( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] );
$priority = $this->current_priority[ $nesting_level ];
foreach ( $this->callbacks[ $priority ] as $the_ ) {
if ( ! $this->doing_action ) {
$args[0] = $value;
// Avoid the array_slice() if possible.
if ( 0 === $the_['accepted_args'] ) {
$value = call_user_func( $the_['function'] );
} elseif ( $the_['accepted_args'] >= $num_args ) {
$value = call_user_func_array( $the_['function'], $args );
} else {
$value = call_user_func_array( $the_['function'], array_slice( $args, 0, $the_['accepted_args'] ) );
} while ( false !== next( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] ) );
unset( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] );
unset( $this->current_priority[ $nesting_level ] );
return $value;
* Calls the callback functions that have been added to an action hook.
* @since 4.7.0
* @param array $args Parameters to pass to the callback functions.
} while ( false !== next( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] ) );
unset( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] );
unset( $this->current_priority[ $nesting_level ] );
return $value;
* Calls the callback functions that have been added to an action hook.
* @since 4.7.0
* @param array $args Parameters to pass to the callback functions.
public function do_action( $args ) {
$this->doing_action = true;
$this->apply_filters( '', $args );
// If there are recursive calls to the current action, we haven't finished it until we get to the last one.
if ( ! $this->nesting_level ) {
$this->doing_action = false;
* Processes the functions hooked into the 'all' hook.
* @since 4.7.0
* @param array $args Arguments to pass to the hook callbacks. Passed by reference.
public function do_all_hook( &$args ) {
$nesting_level = $this->nesting_level++;
$this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] = $this->priorities;
do {
$priority = current( $this->iterations[ $nesting_level ] );
// Do 'all' actions first.
if ( isset( $wp_filter['all'] ) ) {
$wp_current_filter[] = $hook_name;
$all_args = func_get_args(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue.NeedsInspection
_wp_call_all_hook( $all_args );
if ( ! isset( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ] ) ) {
if ( isset( $wp_filter['all'] ) ) {
array_pop( $wp_current_filter );
if ( ! isset( $wp_filter['all'] ) ) {
$wp_current_filter[] = $hook_name;
$wp_filter[ $hook_name ]->do_action( $args );
array_pop( $wp_current_filter );
* Checks if any action has been registered for a hook.
* When using the `$callback` argument, this function may return a non-boolean value
* that evaluates to false (e.g. 0), so use the `===` operator for testing the return value.
* @since 2.5.0
* @see has_filter() This function is an alias of has_filter().
* @param string $hook_name The name of the action hook.
* @param callable|string|array|false $callback Optional. The callback to check for.
* This function can be called unconditionally to speculatively check
* a callback that may or may not exist. Default false.
* @return bool|int If `$callback` is omitted, returns boolean for whether the hook has
* anything registered. When checking a specific function, the priority
$this->query_vars['error'] = $error;
* Filters the array of parsed query variables.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param array $query_vars The array of requested query variables.
$this->query_vars = apply_filters( 'request', $this->query_vars );
* Fires once all query variables for the current request have been parsed.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param WP $wp Current WordPress environment instance (passed by reference).
do_action_ref_array( 'parse_request', array( &$this ) );
return true;
* Sends additional HTTP headers for caching, content type, etc.
* Sets the Content-Type header. Sets the 'error' status (if passed) and optionally exits.
* If showing a feed, it will also send Last-Modified, ETag, and 304 status if needed.
* @since 2.0.0
* @since 4.4.0 `X-Pingback` header is added conditionally for single posts that allow pings.
* @since 6.1.0 Runs after posts have been queried.
* @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object.
public function send_headers() {
global $wp_query;
$headers = array();
} else {
status_header( 200 );
* Sets up all of the variables required by the WordPress environment.
* The action {@see 'wp'} has one parameter that references the WP object. It
* allows for accessing the properties and methods to further manipulate the
* object.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param string|array $query_args Passed to parse_request().
public function main( $query_args = '' ) {
$parsed = $this->parse_request( $query_args );
if ( $parsed ) {
* Fires once the WordPress environment has been set up.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param WP $wp Current WordPress environment instance (passed by reference).
do_action_ref_array( 'wp', array( &$this ) );
return wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
* Sets up the WordPress query.
* @since 2.0.0
* @global WP $wp Current WordPress environment instance.
* @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object.
* @global WP_Query $wp_the_query Copy of the WordPress Query object.
* @param string|array $query_vars Default WP_Query arguments.
function wp( $query_vars = '' ) {
global $wp, $wp_query, $wp_the_query;
$wp->main( $query_vars );
if ( ! isset( $wp_the_query ) ) {
$wp_the_query = $wp_query;
* Retrieves the description for the HTTP status.
* @since 2.3.0
* @since 3.9.0 Added status codes 418, 428, 429, 431, and 511.
* @since 4.5.0 Added status codes 308, 421, and 451.
* @since 5.1.0 Added status code 103.
* @since 6.6.0 Added status code 425.
* @global array $wp_header_to_desc
* @param int $code HTTP status code.
* @return string Status description if found, an empty string otherwise.
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
* Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
* wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
* @package WordPress
* Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
* @var bool
define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', true );
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';