Interiors Trends and Tips
Feng Shui: How It’s Done…
Christmas is on its way! And with all the chaos that’s bound to ensue in the weeks leading up to the festive period, an air of calm is needed in the home. Such an air of calm can only (usually) be achieved by having a good old clear out. On this occasion, however, we know another, almost effortless way, to bring about that sense of tranquility – and its name is Feng Shui.
An ancient art and science developed in China some 3,000 years ago, Feng Shui is a complex body of knowledge which reveals how to balance the energies of your home or space to bring about good fortune. In short, Feng means wind and Shui means water; in Chinese culture both are associaed with good health.
Make or Break
So why do many people use Feng Shui in the home, even today? The Chinese believe that it can either make or break a kingdom, and over time it’s seeped into our interiors habits over here in the UK, and abroad.
With this in mind, we’re sharing our top five tips for creating a living room (or any other room for that matter) which abides by the major principles of Feng Shui. Here goes…

1. Start by eliminating clutter – this is your first step to a perfectly Feng Shui-ed home. Feng Shui considers a clean house to be a ‘lucky house’, and ahead of Christmas is a great time to declutter as you’ll need to make way for all those festive socks/cuff links/woolly jumpers you’ll no doubt receive.
2. Got an old broken lamp, or a smashed mirror? Get rid of it. Items that aren’t worth fixing aren’t worth having. This will also help you on your decluttering journey, too (see point no 1).
3. If one area of your home is being neglected, do everything you can to allow natural light into it. It will help lift your spirits and makes everything look better. No natural light? Fake it with well-chosen lighting and lamps. Another excuse to get rid of that broken lamp.
4. Looking to instill some calm into the bedroom? Remove any big electric operated machines like the TV or computers and you’ll feel calmer/your room will instantly look better.
5. According to Feng Shui principles, sharp angles are carriers of negative energies. If you have any pointed at you like a laser, point them away or obscure them somehow.
Do you take the principles of Feng Shui into account when decorating/sprucing up your home? Let us know by commenting below.
Until next time…