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Interiors Trends and Tips

Home Offices: How Do You Style Yours?

Earlier this week, Distinctive Chesterfields’ accountant Richard shocked us all, by announcing the rather unorthodox way in which he eats a kiwi fruit. Rather than chow down on the deliciously tasty fruit as you would a boiled egg, by slicing off the top and tucking in with a teaspoon, Richard had other ideas. Instead, he chops his afternoon snack four ways with a knife – much like an orange – and eats it that way, avoiding the furry skin and devouring every last bit of tangy fruit.

The Curious Tale of the Kiwi Fruit

A heated debate followed in the office, with the consensus being that this way of kiwi-eating was, in fact, a little out of the ordinary. But then, as Cadbury’s would tell us, there are plenty of perfectly satisfactory ways to enjoy a simple egg-shaped treat. The brand has demonstrated this fact countless times in its ‘How Do You Eat Yours’ Creme Egg adverts.

Anyway, we digress. But the point we’re making here is we’re all different. Very different. And the way in which we eat our kiwis, Creme Eggs, or indeed style our homes, can say a lot about us. Do you agree?

With that in mind, we’re sharing with you the most preferred ways to style a home office; we bet you fit into at least one of these office decor ‘stereotypes’….

The Small One


Small, but perfectly formed, this home office doesn’t need to scrimp on style. It may be modestly-sized (in a converted cupboard, or under the stairs), but that doesn’t mean it’s any less functional. The small home office belongs to the practical home owner; someone who doesn’t look at the negatives of a room, but the opportunities. No spare room for that desk and computer? No worries. This resourceful decor fan can transform any space with ease, and will use each and every square inch to best effect. Are you in this camp?

Homeowner Personality Traits: Resourceful, Practical, Relaxed

The Feminine One


The feminine office belongs to someone who just can’t resist adding floral touches and flashes of pink to each and every room of the house. Why shouldn’t the office look pretty, too? We say, of course it should – why ever not? This kind of office is usually highly-organised, too (see ‘The Organised’ office below), and a joy to work in. Throw open those windows, pop on some light, relaxing music and type to your heart’s content.

Homeowner Personality Traits: Creative, Arty, Organised

The Organised One


Now, the ‘organised’ office belongs, of course, to someone who likes everything ‘just so’ – and not just in a work sense. Their organisation skills probably extend to other rooms in the house, but here in the office – where good order is key – they take it even more seriously. They know where everything is and will suffer minor temper tantrums should anything be moved out of its place. Some people may call them anal, we call them sensible. If you can’t be organised in your place of work, where on earth can you be?

Homeowner Personality Traits: Organised (obviously), Efficient, Punctual, Tidy

The ‘Organised Chaos’ One


Mr or Mrs ‘Organised Chaos’ has an office which reflects their personality; possibly a little bit scatty but always efficient. His or her home office can look like a disorganised jumble sale, but trust us – they know exactly where everything is. Want that report dating back to 2010? They can put their hands on it in mere seconds. Need a coloured paperclip? No problem. It may look chaotic, but it’s highly functional. At least until someone else needs to find something.

Homeowner Personality Traits: Scatty, Creative, Organised, Punctual

The One That’s ‘Too Cool to Work In’


This homeowner designed their home office with style completely in mind; a fancy rug here, and some cool art work there. Is it functional? They may or may not be that bothered; it’s just a place to store their files when they’re not in use, or somewhere to hang on the telephone, Blondie style, between meetings in their company’s actual office.

Homeowner Personality Traits: Stylish, Arty, Creative

The Crafty One


This one’s less an office, more a colourful craft station with a bonus computer. It contains all manner of creative knick knacks, from balls of multi-coloured wool, to scissors, maybe even a sewing machine, and a pen set reserved for calligraphy only. One could describe it as a ‘workshop’; the computer only gets switched on for the downloading of elaborate sewing patterns, and there’s often scraps of paper, thread and glitter on the floor.

Homeowner Personality Traits: Carefree, Arty, Creative

How do you style your home office? Or don’t you have one? Remember, there’s always space for a small one (see ‘The Small One’) above.

Oh, and how do you eat your kiwi fruit? We’re pretty sure we’re the very first people to ask that. Ever.

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