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Make Space for Christmas: Five Storage Solutions for the Home

Hands up if you’re welcoming guests into your home for Christmas! While it’s undoubtedly an exciting time, the festive period can also prove extremely stressful. But it doesn’t have to be; forward planning will stand you in good stead during both the run up to December 25 and the chaotic days which ensue once Father Christmas has unloaded his sleigh – and a whole lot of presents – in your living room.

The good news is great organisation doesn’t have to always have to be clunky and unattractive-looking; there’s plenty of ways you can make your storage both practical and pleasing to the eye. Here’s our top five storage solutions, as spotted online.

1. Make the most of vintage suitcases


When it comes to maximising space in your home, think ‘height’, i.e., choose storage solutions that can be stacked upwards, rather than outwards. For this very reason, we love this vintage suitcase idea (pictured above, right). Use a selection of old suitcases and stack them on atop the other to create an interesting focal point in your hallway/bedroom/dining room. Ensure you fill them with odds and ends you’d usually leave lying around, and voila – your home is virtually clutter-free already.  Also pictured above (to the left), these vintage suitcases make great additions to a guest bedroom. Simply fill with fresh bed linen and leave on a bed or bedside table for guests. Alternatively, why not fill a suitcase with guest towels and toiletries adjacent to your en suite or bathroom for a pretty, welcoming touch.

2. Maximise space with ‘hidden’ nooks and crannies


Okay, so you may only have three shelves in that utility cupboard, but are you really making the most of the space in your home? Take a look around your local budget or homes store for clever storage ideas; we love this wrapping paper holder which keeps your paper together and ensures it doesn’t get crinkled or ripped by being shoved in the corner of a room, or under the bed.

3. Create a practical and attractive way to store your Christmas day meal ingredients



Save time when preparing the Christmas meal by storing all your non-perishable items like veg and tins in one place. You’ll have everything to hand and it’ll also create a festive display in your kitchen or dining room, too.

4. Carefully store Christmas tree decorations when not in use.


Didn’t use all your baubles? Store them away from little ones and save them from breakages by popping them in an old egg box. You can also make use of old plastic storage boxes and pop each decoration in a separate plastic cup to ensure they don’t smash.

5. Declutter your living room effortlessly with these simple ideas


 Your living room will be hit the hardest on Christmas day, with toys and gifts scattered everywhere. Encourage the kids to proudly display their action figures or dolls and tidy them away in a plastic door storage holder (above, left), or make use of an old wooden box or create (stenciling some festive designs on it) for placing gifts when not in use. This is a quick and easy way to restore your living room/dining room/bedroom to its former glory.

Were these tips helpful? Share your own advice in the comments section below, too. How do you make the most of space when guests are coming to stay? Do you have any special festive traditions?

Don’t forget to head over to our Facebook page for more interiors hints and tips, as well as promotions and competitions.

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