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Modern Sofas

Why I Chose a Yellow Sofa

When it comes to preferred sofa shades, the team here at Distinctive Chesterfields say neutral colours like black, brown and beige are still amongst the most popular.

Customers with a penchant for chesterfield couches tend to choose a ‘traditional’ colour that will easily blend in with their existing furniture. Few opt for bright, bold shades like the one you see below: Sudbury yellow.

Our content manager, Lauren, recently took delivery of a Distinctive Chesterfields sofa, though, and guess which colour she chose? Yep, you’re right. For Lauren, it had to be yellow. Here, she explains why:

I was in the middle of signing up for a new flat when I decided my old sofa – a grey leather number – just had to go. In its place, I pictured a bold and bright couch. Why? I knew it’d cheer me up each evening when I walked through the doors of my new place after a busy day at work.

There’s something about the winter months that can make you feel a bit flat. And as I would be getting the keys to my new place in mid-October, it made perfect sense to brighten it up a little with something vibrant.


Of course, I could have achieved a similar effect with some well-chosen accessories, or even a huge yellow rug. But something in me wanted to purchase a bright yellow piece that would stay with me for longer. That way, I’d be forced to pair my accessories with the couch, and not the other way round. No, the yellow sofa would stay – and maybe instead I’d complement it over the years with different-coloured trinkets and treasures.

You’d think that a yellow sofa like the three-seat Fulham you see above wouldn’t really work with much else colour-wise. But you’d be wrong. I quickly realised that a palette of grey, teal and aqua worked perfectly with my boldly coloured couch.

I knew my new sofa would be the subject of a few jibes. One friend even compared my pride and joy to a banana. But it didn’t bother me. Because that warm, fuzzy feeling I enjoyed each and every day as I wandered, tired and bleary-eyed through my hallway and into my living room stayed with me long after the taunts about my colour choice did.

So think about it for a second…

You could opt for a neutral, beige, and let’s face it, a little bit bland (sorry) sofa like everyone else’s. Or you could do something a little daring as we edge closer to the New Year. You could see in 2017 with a sofa that makes your heart sing. Okay, okay, so I won’t go that far. But it does put a huge smile on my face. And isn’t that what buying a new couch is all about?!

Would you like a yellow sofa? Get in touch with the Distinctive Chesterfields team today and we’ll talk you through prices and fabric or leather options.

Until next time…

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